Hi all! I decided I’d like to extend the deadline for the back to school special until midnight on Monday, October 10th, to give more people a chance to take advantage. Here are the details again if you didn’t want to slog back through the last issue to find them:
For $25 you can get a critique of your query and the first ten pages of your novel, from today through midnight on Monday, December 10th. To take advantage of this limited-time offer:
Pay the $25 fee using Venmo (linked here). Paypal is also an option if you’re based overseas and have access. Use the email below for that.
Snap a screenshot of your receipt.
Send the screenshot and your query + 10 pages to me at jsudden@gmail.com.
I’ll confirm receipt of your payment and materials. All critiques will be returned within two weeks of receipt.
A number of you have already taken advantage - thank you! I’ll be sending out the first wave of acknowledgments today, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
I turn thirty-seven years old today, and I’m celebrating in high style by doing laundry today and eating tacos later. I hope you’re all well.
This has been A Faster No, a dispatch on publishing, writing, books, and beyond. Is there something you’d like me to talk about? Leave it in the comments or reply to the email! You can support the newsletter here. If you purchase a book from any of the links to Bookshop.org I get a small commission at no cost to you. I am available for developmental editing and editorial assessment services via Reedsy.